Beau’s Splash Mat

It’s been awhile, but today we have a great story about Beau’s Splash Mat.

In fact, Beau has been having a cool time with his new splash mat. It is advertised as a great way to keep your pets or children cool on a hot day.

Beau and the Splash Mat, 5-22-2024

What is a Splash Mat?

I’ve never seen a splash mat before this blog. A splash mat is a tub-like water toy that you hook up to your outdoor hose. It is light weight and portable so you can place it on various parts of your lawn. It is easy to set up and is made of PVA type material. The fun part is that when you hook it up to your hose, it sprays long streams of water into the air.

As you can see, Beau finds the whole thing completely amazing and fun.

Beau having cool fun with his splash mat, 5-22-2024.

Ending Notes

Wouldn’t the world be a better place with more splash mats for humans and dogs?

When ever the heat and humidity gets to be too much for Beau, he can now cool off in complete comfort with this own water toy/pool. Beau, also loves the streams of water which shoot up approximately four feet into the air.

I’m also thinking of another use for this toy, when the grass dries out instead of putting out the sprinkler, why not do double duty and use this splash mat to keep things green. In fact, since it is so portable you can move it to various part of your lawn as long as Beau wants to frolic in the pool.

A Special Thank You to Beau’s human Mom and Dad for supplying these great photographs and for the idea for today’s blog.

Splish-Splash Beau!!

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