Car Recall in COVID-19 Era

Car Drop Off

I’ve been a little bad about returning my car to the dealership to take care of a couple of recall notices.

This photograph shows a stack of recall letters for my car.

I finally took my car into the shop this morning for the needed repairs to the airbag and, I believe, a seat belt repair.

As per COVID-19 regulations, all the workers were wearing face masks and rubber gloves.

At the car dealership, the areas were marked where customers checked in their cars so no one got too close.

You also did not have to sign any paperwork.

Before I left my car, I noticed that the steering wheel had been covered with a piece of plastic reminding me of a hotel shower cap.  The gearshift also had been covered with a red plastic bag.

I tossed out some of the used rubber gloves which were on my car’s floor mats.

Usually, the dealership runs the car through the car wash.  I hope they do that today since my car is a dusty, dirty mess.

Car Pick Up

I got a little impatient, so I called the car dealership.

The repairs were made free of charge.

I signed for the repairs, but I used my own pen.

They drove my car to the front of the dealership, so I didn’t have to walk out to the parking lot to get it.

They ran the car through their car wash so it was all nice and clean on the outside.

On the inside, I could tell they wiped the dash board down since all the dust was gone.

I’m very pleased with the work.  I’m, also, happy that I will no longer get those recall notices in the mail.

Car Dealer Repair Shop Car Dealer Repair Shop

A Farmhouse Magic Blog Hello to Nicaragua.

2 Replies to “Car Recall in COVID-19 Era”

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