The Ten-Speed Bike
No, this is not a picture of my 10-speed bike, but I like the old fashion look to it and also it has a basket to hold your lunch or whatever you want to take. I like the color—baby blue and the large blue and white seat.
My 10-speed bike I’ve had since I’ve been about 17 and it is still around my house. Interestingly enough, I took it on an airplane with me when I left Southern California. It parked for a while in Pennsylvania. I tried to ride it there, but there were too many sidewalks and no bike trails. I then moved and took it with me. It was stored in the bottom unit with the other bikes which also were never rode. The I took it with me to my new house. I’m not sure if it is even safe to ride anymore because there is a lot of rust on it. No one rides 10-speed bikes with curled handles anymore. You would curl up over the handlebars to make it go faster and faster.
I’m going to have look for it and snap a photo or two. It has been with me like a trusty old pony. Will I ever ride it again, not likely, but I love those old memories.