Today, I decided to write about my summer day in blogdom. So, here, it goes.
Breakfast Coffee and Sandwich
Getting up early, I ironed clothing and then went outside to water the plants. Boy, it sure is hot around here. Of course, the plants are bone dry; it’s like I never water them. But I water every day or every other day to keep things alive. The plants in the crocks seem to dry out quicker, so I’m always giving them an extra drink.
Then, this morning, we went out to one of our favorite places for a muffin, egg, and bacon breakfast sandwich and a cup of coffee.
The eat-in area was still very quiet. We were about the only people about other than the employees setting things up. We enjoyed our sandwiches and drank our coffees while discussing our summer day.

I wanted to eat in the upstairs cafe, but we decided to eat downstairs instead. The upstairs also has a few outside seating options.
Mid Morning Snack and the Summer Day
Yesterday, we got a free slice of cake because of our frequent visitor status. So, today. at home, we shared that one slice. I thought the layers would all be different flavors, however, they were all the same. The white icing was good since it was not too sweet or sugary. A sliced strawberry, a chocolate dot and a sage leaf decorated the cake slice’s top. The cake was very pretty and colorful.
It was, also, individually wrapped and placed in a nice takeout box so it would come home in excellent shape. Nothing is more annoying to have to eat a smashed cake slice. It was only this week, I tossed out almost a full carton of eggs with all the bottoms smashed.

Lunch time at One of Our Favorite Restaurants
OK, two meals out is a bit much for us, but we decided to do it anyway.
I ordered the taco platter which comes with a chicken taco, a spicy beef taco, Spanish rice, pinto beans and, of course, those free chips. This meal was hot and delicious. We ended up taking those chips home in a take out box.
This meal comes with chips. You can get what ever type of salsa you want from the salsa bar. It ranges from mild to very hot.

Ending of the Day and of the the Summer Day Blog
So, the plans for tonight are to hear a free concert performance. You have to pay $5 for parking. But is is worth it not to get any parking tickets. Plus, the car is in a convenient location and easy to walk to.
Hope you have a super summer day.