I decided to give my Readers a few of safe driving tips for busy city driving. Most of these are common sense tips but since accidents happen, they can be repeated once again.
Today’s photographs were taken from a moving vehicle. Yes, I was in the passenger seat and not driving while taking photographs.
Some city roadways always have a good bit of traffic on them and it pays to be alert. I remember working with one person who was night driving and said they fell to sleep at a stop light. They were not sure how many times the lights changed before they woke up. I guess, tip number one, is be alert when driving.
Below are a few more safe driving tips:

Safe Drive Tips – City Driving
- Never have your phone/coffee cup in your hand while driving.
- Never try to text while driving. This is actually illegal in my state.
- Obey the speed and traffic signs.
- Always signal for lane changes.
- Give yourself enough time to get to your designation. Is it possible, leave before or after rush hours.
- Keep your eyes on the road at all times. Don’t get distracted by anything in the car. This is very important because the car can travel a great distance in a few seconds.
- Always make sure your car is “road ready” in that you have enough gas, good tires, and windshield wiper fluid. Also, check if your windshield wipers are working properly. I actually owned a car in that when it was humid and raining, the wipers would not work. It was, also, the only car I had that leaked water from under the dashboard. The same car also had the front bucket seat leg go through the floor board. I’m not naming names, but they no longer make this vehicle. It was definitely unsafe in many ways.
- If a car ahead is signaling, be sure to slow down until they make their exit.
- If you see road construction ahead, slow down and follow directions on signs. Know your right and left hand.
- Keep your car windows clean both inside and out.
- Preplan your trip, so you know what roads you need to take.

Ending Notes on Safe Driving Tips Blog
Remember that getting safely to your designation is the goal of your trip.
Happy Trails!