I attended an online webinar today on caring for and planting trees. It was a wealth of information.
For instance, I never knew in our area, you can plant a tree anytime of the year.
There are lots of things to consider when purchasing and planting a tree. You need to know how you want the tree to function. You also need to know if it is the right tree and it must be planted in the right location.
As an example, the seminar leader talked about planting trees for cover around a swimming pool. You need trees that can take the extra water from the splashes, etc.
Things to think about before buying a tree is the tree’s size at maturity (small, medium or large). How much sun it will get? The location of underground utilities and power lines.

How to Plant a Tree
- Dig a hole two to three times as wide as the diameter of the root ball.
- The tree should sit at the correct grade about 1-2 inches above the soil.
- Back fill with a 50-50 percent mixture of soil and planting mix. Never place all planting mix around the newly planted tree since it will discourage it from growing roots out into your soil.
- Add a thin layer of mulch. Keep the mulch away from the tree trunk to avoid problems.
- Do not stake a tree unless the tree is placed in a very windy area. You also want movement of a tree for correct growth.
When to Prune a Tree
- Never prune a newly planted tree. New trees must be established before doing any major pruning.
- Prune dead branches
- Prune Broken Branches
- Prune Crossing Branches
- Prune Suckers or New Shoots

Watering a Tree
It is hard to over water a tree. When in doubt, dry it out. If the ground is too wet, a tree will not get good oxygen exchange.
Water wands and sprinklers work well for watering trees.
Tree Gators are also a good choice and allow the water to drip into the soil during dry times.
I guess the main thing I learned about trees is that you should have an objective for your tree. Do you want it to shade your patio? Do you want it to decorate your front yard? Do you want it to give you some privacy? Do you want showy flowers?
Think it all out before you plant.
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