While browsing around a sales table of after the holiday items, I noted a package of Ghirardelli’s Peppermint Bark Kit. As per the front of the box, the easy instructions said to, “melt, pour and decorate”.
However, I’ve never made two-layer peppermint bark before but really love chocolate. So, I purchased a 6.4 ounce box for only $2.57. Regularly, the kit sells for $10.29, but since it was after the holidays, the kit was on sale.
What’s in the Kit?
The kit came with dark and white melting wafers, peppermint flavored candy and a plastic holding tray. The plastic holding tray is nice because you don’t have to guess about a pan size to make the bark in plus it doesn’t stick when you take the candy out.

The peppermint bark kit contains everything you need to made the candy.
Making the Peppermint Bark
The first step is to melt the chocolate wafers in the microwave as per the directions.
Be sure to use a microwave safe bowl for melting the chocolate wafers and remember that the bowl gets hot.

Also, lightly tap the filled tray to remove the air bubbles. Cool the chocolate layer in the refrigerator. It is optional to mix in the peppermint candy into the white wafer layer. I like peppermint, so I went ahead and mixed it according to the directions. Peppermint extract can also be added at this point, but I didn’t have any on hand.

If you use the same bowl, be sure to clean all the chocolate out of it to keep the white wafers clean.
The final step is to spread the white peppermint layer evenly over the chocolate layer and sprinkle a little of the peppermint candy over the top. Then, wait until it cools and sets.

Ending Notes
First things first, be sure to carefully read all directions on the kit before you start. I had a slight mishap with my candy. When the chocolate layer was cooling, someone placed a plastic basket of blueberries on top of it. So, I took it out of the plastic tray and repeated that first step. I, also, forgot to tap the white layer to get all the air bubbles out.
However, my peppermint bark still turned out looking great and tasted absolutely yummy.
Also, I like the fact that the candy is thin. I’ve eaten homemade peppermint bark candy that is just too thick with the candy canes being crushed too large. The candy peppermint in this kit is, also, absolutely perfect in size.
Lastly, I like the fact that the tray is also re-useable for other creations.
What candy is next on my list? Not sure about that one, but really enjoyed making this bark kit.
Try making something new today.

Resource Site: One Box of Ghirardelli’s Peppermint Bark Kit with Other Natural Flavor