Happy Mother’s Day! – Recycled Gigantic COVID-19 Mother’s Day Card

Red Repurposed chalk Board Rooster Red Repurposed chalk Board Rooster Red Repurposed chalk Board Rooster Red Repurposed chalk Board Rooster

My Mom was the kind of woman who owned her own chain saw, could ride a minibike, loved chickens, knew how to can, and laughed a lot.

One time in college I had to give a speech, so I talked about my mom but she never knew this.  This is not word-by-word account but it is as close to it as I can remember.

“I am talking today about the day my younger sister was born.  She was born with her intestines twisted in some horrible way and needed immediate surgery to untwist them.

My mother was sent home from the hospital while the baby stayed in the hospital.  She said she was OK but when they told her there was something wrong with the baby, I think she went into shock.  She had to return to the hospital for complications.

They told my dad to bring the baby’s sisters in so that we could see her.  I remember seeing all these large nursery rhyme cut outs decorating the hospital’s walls and our sister was in an incubator.  They gave the baby religious rites before surgery and the prognosis looked pretty grim.  I guess they didn’t expect her to make it.  Medicine for new born babies wasn’t like it is now.  They had her in an incubator with an IV in her foot, that was about it.

The baby underwent surgery and surprisingly was still living.

My mom wanted to take the baby home.  She said it was too noisy for the baby to sleep in the hospital.  The doctor kept on telling her no, no, no!

Finally, the doctor said she could take the baby home, but she would have to bring her back to be seen every day.  My mom said the doctors were worried about the surgical incision becoming infected.  My mom was a practical nurse and knew how to take care of an incision as well as a baby.

My mom did not have a driver’s license, had a four and a five year at home to take care of, plus now a baby recovering from surgery.  She had  no relatives to help her but some how my Mom found the strength to do it all.


Pink Flowers Pink Flowers Red and Pink Flowers

Today that baby is alive and well, and her name is . . ..”

As always, good job, Mom, and thanks for everything!

Happy Mother’s Days to Awesome Mothers every where!!!

Update May 11, 2020 – It was pointed out that this was not the full version of the story.  Believe it or not, this was the “sugar coated” version of the story. 

My mother had a horrible “complication,” immediately returned to the hospital, where the doctors worked on her to save her life.

Thank you military doctors (Naval) who not only saved my sister but also my mom. 

Also, thank you to that “young Marine” who donated blood which gave my mom another chance for life.

Recycled Gigantic Mother’s Day Card

Recycled Mother's Day Card Recycled Mother’s Day Card

I thought Farmhouse Magic Blog Readers would like to see a gigantic recycled Mother’s Day card.

See photograph for the new notation on the card.

Notation on Card Notation on Card

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