Happy 3rd Year Anniversary Farmhouse Magic Blog.com. It’s hard to believe that June represents the month we began blogging at Farmhouse Magic Blog.com. over three years ago.
It was difficult to get the blog off the ground since I knew nothing about blogging, writing, internet IT, or photography. I had never even taken a photograph before with my phone camera. It is also only recently that I’ve added a SEO APP to our blog but I’m still working on that.
It certainly has been three eventful and historic years. From the beginnings of the COVID-19 pandemic we’ve been there. During our three years, events were both good and bad. There was social unrest at the Capitol Building, shortages of baby formula and other goods, lack of employees, working from home, trouble at the borders, and the list goes on.
And now as I fill up my gas tank with $5 a gallon gas, FMB still goes on.
So today, I thought I would use a few of my previous photographs on our happy 3rd year anniversary blog.
What anniversary celebration would be complete without a slice of cake?

FMB blogged on recipes, entertaining, historic places, antiques, places of interest , gardening, decorating, faux food, and much more.

We’ve visited unusual places, even a chicken coop.

We love our country, family, friends, and our Readers at Farmhouse Magic Blog.com
Ending Notes on our Happy 3rd Year Anniversary Blog
I want to thank my Readers for reading Farmhouse Magic Blog. Without you our blog would only be words on the internet.
Take care and may our 4th year of blogging be the best ever!
Happy Blogging Anniversary!