This is my first time grocery shopping since March. This is, also, one of my favorite stores.
I took this photograph from the inside of my car.
Over the months due to coronavirus, I’ve ordered a lot of groceries online.
Today I decided to go out and get some groceries.

Before I go into the store, I put on my mask and plastic gloves.
At the store entrance, an employee is posted to make sure everyone who enters the store is wearing a mask.
There are also signs in the store stating that employees must wash their hands every 30 minutes.

I shopped at about 10 a.m. to avoid the lunch time shoppers. I don’t want to shop with a store full of people.
I picked up quite a few needed items.
To check out, there are floor markings to stand on so you can keep your distance from other shoppers.
The cashier is positioned behind a Plexiglas shield.
I used my credit card to check out. Before COVID-19, I only used cash.

I loaded my groceries in my car trunk, then removed my plastic gloves and used a disinfectant to wipe my hands.
I had a disinfectant spray, but wouldn’t you know it, the sprayer top rolled under my seat the moment I went to spray my hands.
I’m going to have to look for it at another time as I don’t want my ice cream to melt. It’s a whole new world out there.