I’ve been having quite a few of my groceries delivered due to COVID-19.
I live in an expensive area and I’m used to overpriced goods, however, the final grocery store price on this item seemed over the top.
I ordered one chicken and Monterey jack quesadilla probably between $6 to $8 in price. Unfortunately, the grocery store was out of single serve items, so they substituted a family pack which contained three quesadillas.
Not happy but that was still OK with me. It was priced at $15 which I thought was slightly expensive for the family item.

Upon checking my receipt, I was charged an extra $2.29 surcharge on this item bringing my total for one item to $17.29.
I contacted my grocery delivery service about this, and they stated retailers set the price of items available on the platform. Some retailers offer the same in-store prices and others set higher prices on their platforms.
We’ll I guess I’ll be checking out other stores which offer the same in-store prices. In the meantime, my grocery spending dollars will go elsewhere.
It’s always makes good money sense to comparison shop for the the best deals.
Overcharge of the Week?

I was totally out of disinfecting wet wipes and could not get them anywhere for any price.
I located one source online for disinfecting wipes.
This canister was $14.95 for 75 wet wipes and that included the mailing costs.
Expensive, yes, but I was glad to have some on hand again.