Directions for Making Faux Stuffing
The first step is to cut up a sponge or some packing sponge material into small cubes to simulate country or corn bread. Do not cut all the cube into the same size. Some should be a little different in shape like true bread crumbs.
I like “recycling” gray packing sponge material for this project as I think the final product looks more like corn bread stuffing.
Use yellow, tan, and brown acrylic paints to paint the stuffing.
To make faux parsley flakes, paint and then cut up several silk leaves into small parsley size pieces.
Scatter the faux parsley top of the faux stuffing in the serving dish to simulate fresh parsley.
Helpful Hint
If your serving bowl is too large and you don’t have enough faux stuffing to fill it, then place tissue paper in the bottom of the bowl. When you add the stuffing the bowl will look full.
With a little farmhouse magic, we are ready to eat dinner.