Once again, it is time for a home repair blog and I thought I would take on the driveway asphalt repairs before winter.
Because I have both large and small cracks in my driveway, I’m using two types of asphalt repairs materials.
However, be sure to check out the weather reports. If it is going to rain within two days, do the project another time as one of the products needs to cure for two days.

Repair of Large Cracks in Asphalt Driveway
First on the list, is to repair the large cracks and a couple of other areas, so I am using QPR or Quality Pavement Repairs for the these patches. This product is specially made for repair of pot holes and other large areas.
For this product, it doesn’t matter if the ground is wet or if rain is in the forecast. Clean and sweep out the extra dirt from the cracks and pry out the grass. Remove any loose pieces of asphalt.
Gathering Tools
Also, gather up all the tools you need for the project. I used a broom, hammer, screwdriver, a couple of wooden paint sticks, old work gloves and one brick.

I have a lot of grass growing in this crack, so it took awhile to pry out the grass.
The QPR bag weights a hefty 50-pounds, so you might need help transporting the bag to your work area. I pulled it to my area by placing it on an old towel.
Prepare the area and then simply cut off the bottom of the bag, and pour the material into the crack. I also used an old large spoon to help with this because I did not have a trowel. Necessity is always the mother of invention, so true.
Driveway Repair Tip: Be sure to wear old work gloves, clothing and shoes. If you step on the material and track it into your house, it is difficult to get off the floors. Also, plan on tossing out the old work gloves after use, because they are too sticky to wash out.

I overfilled the area with the asphalt repair material and then used the edge of a brick to tap it down. Apparently, the more compact it is, the better. I added a little extra asphalt over the crack, and then tapped it down a second time.
The below repair is a little tricky. I removed a couple of loose pieces and then filled it so it was angled slightly to keep water from pooling in this area. I, also have trouble with weeds and ants around this step and think the new repairs will help with that.

That’s about it for repair of the large asphalt repairs. I found the job went quickly and the material was easy to work with.
Repairs of Small Asphalt Cracks in Driveway
For repairs of the small asphalt cracks, I used Trowel Grade Blacktop Filler by Jetcoat. This product needs to dry for a couple of days without rain.
I’m not sure how long this product will last but it went on easy and looks good. It is made to use on alligator cracks in the asphalt.
Ending Comments for Asphalt Driveway Repairs Blog
Because the shelves of my local home improvement store were empty of all but a few asphalt products, I had limited choices and was lucky to find the things I used.
So, the true test is how long things last after several months with some rain and snow.
However, I’m still working on those small asphalt cracks but will give you an update at some point.