Now for a quick review on a vintage grade school reader entitled “Billy and His Friends.”
I saw this book in a secondhand store and bought it immediately for $3. This hardcovered children’s grade school reader is in pretty good condition but does have some wear around the corners and edges. There is a black school stamp from a New York school on both the front and back. The pages are slightly yellow and there are a few stray marks on the pages. The book measures about 7.75 inches by 9.5 inches and is 48 pages long from Follett Publishing, 1949.
“Billy and His Friends” is actually one book from a series of 12 books.

This book is published by Follett Publishing in 1949.
Why I like this Grade School Reader
The artful pictures in this booklet are absolutely charming. “Billy and His Friends” is actually a social study book divided into seven sections. Some of the topics covered are friends, pets, colors, work and play.

Rides Section
I enjoyed the section on different types of rides. Children ride on a pony, sled, red wagon, boat, and even a vintage looking blue convertible with the top down.
All the children look friendly and happy. The child in the blue convertible gives a big wave.
What Can you Do Section
I, also, enjoyed the “What Can You Do” Section. It shows children helping their parents in a number of ways such as mailing a letter, raking leaves, making the bed, setting the dinning room table, and washing dishes since there is no dishwasher.
I’m also thinking that probably a good many young children today do not know the correct placement of a fork, knife and spoon. However, in this book, the child gets the setting right.
Children are also shown playing with records for entertainment. Today’s children would probably be more likely to watch TV, turn on the computer or play with their phone.
Comparing the 1940’s to today, we find a tremendous amount of new reading choices available to everyone. Also, with a wider choice of activities and media, this competes with reading a book.
Note to the Teacher Section
I read over this section and found it very interesting.
For example, the section on Rides was to encourage lots of discussion. I guess the discussion is on the various types of transportation. There is also a short vocabulary of words used in this book.
Ending Comments on the “Billy and his Friends” Blog
I loved reading through this book and checking out how children lived in the 1940’s. What a great treasure this book is.
Will I be keeping this book? Probably not, it will probably be donated to a historic site for all to enjoy.

Research Sources: ThisAndThatbyTEC amd