Wintertime Slump is something that is hard to define. It’s the kind of feeling where you don’t want to clean out the basement, do chores and generally lack any motivation for getting a decent dinner on the table. So far this week, we have had easy make meals of turkey burgers, frozen vegetables, and anything I can toss on a baking tray.
Unfortunately, about this time of year, FMB is thinking of the warmer days of spring. With the goal of getting out into the garden, enjoying the sun and plants.
For some people, gray days and reduced sun exposure can be part of the wintertime slump problem.

Visiting the Garden Center
What really gets the winter blues away is a trip to my favorite garden center. Even in the middle of winter, there are lots of flowers in the greenhouse to enjoy. Right now, their greenhouse is loaded with perfect blooming orchids.

These gorgeous pinkish purple orchids have a few buds yet to open.
I have never had a green thumb when it comes to exotic orchids. However, who can resist the pull of these beautiful flowers. So, I enjoy these breathtaking specimens while I roam the aisles of the greenhouse.
I believe these small yellow and white flowers are Oncidiums. That was the name of the plant on the nearby paperwork. However, I’m not an orchid expert, so please forgive me if I am incorrect.

Upcoming Events
We all have Valentine’s Day to look forward to that will take some of wintertime slump out of the air.
However, my anticipated Valentine’s gift of two-sided sticky tape doesn’t exactly thrill me to my toes. Perhaps a “surprise” gift or a dinner out is in order.

Visiting the Garden Center
Once again this winter, I find myself visiting the garden center for a breath of fresh air and plant beauty.
The garden center is cleaning out and taking stock, so the one side has been cleared of merchandise.
Ending Notes on the Wintertime Slump Blog
So, before I take my 20-minute power nap, I think I better finish out today’s blog.
Enjoy the day–Winter, Winter, go Away!
A big thank you to Merrifield Garden Center for allowing me to blog and also to take photographs at their garden store.
All merchandise and plants shown on today’s blog are available for sale at Merrifield Garden Center.