I’m finding visiting the dump to be an interesting topic for today’s blog. The official name is the Recycling and Trash Disposal Center. In fact, this landfill complex includes the disposal of trash, brush grinding, hazardous waste collection and a recycling drop off center.
When you have something to get rid of, this is where to bring it. The whole place is built around a large oval cycle with different collections of trash along the way. You enter the coned area where you talk to the attendant or you can weight your truck on a scale. The attendant in the booth will tell you how much you need to pay and where to go to drop off your item. I remember passing a large group of bicycles, dinning room and desk chairs, and white appliances, etc.
For example, you can drop off a Christmas tree or toilet for $9, mattress and box springs for $13 or fiberglass tub for $13. Some material is, also, subject to a special processing fee. Senior citizens also get a special discount.

In fact, did you know that “White Goods” are appliances that requires removal of a refrigerant such as in refrigerators, freezers and water coolers.
Requesting a Tour at the Dump
You and your group can arrange to tour the facility or have a recycling expert come to your place for a talk.

Piles of wooden slats in the large open dumping area.
Ending Notes on Visiting the Dump
In conclusion, it was interesting to talk to the friendly attendant at the booth and learn about how the facility is funded.
Apparently, this center is funded through the collection of fees for services paid by the customers and not through the county’s General Fund. The fees also pay for the costs of equipment, personnel, utilities, hazardous waste, and and other programs.
Not many programs actually pay for themselves without additional funding. Great kudos for this place.