This Vintage Pot Holder Set is a lucky find from one of my favorite secondhand stores.
In fact, I have never seen anything quite like it before. However, when I go online, I noted about three different pot holder sets. I date the age anywhere from about 1940’s to 1960’s. There no tags anywhere to get any additional information off of, so I’m only guessing about the age. I paid $5 for for the set and it has already been washed and ironed.
Up Close Look – Vintage Pot Holder Set
I want to blog a little bit about each pot holders in the set. First, they are made out of either cotton or linen, not sure about that one. Each one is edged in red binding. There are no handing rings on any of the three pot holders, so I guess they are made to go into the holder bag.
Also, of note all three designs items feature something hot–a steaming kettle, a double boiler and a burning candle. However, not sure I would use a pot holder to hold a burning candle, but I guess it is possible.

The red embroidered tea kettle on this pot holder is quite simple. A bit of steam is coming from the tea kettle’s spout showing it is hot.
The next red embroidered design, is that of a double boiler. I have never used a double boiler before. This design looks very similar to a Comet Aluminum Boiler Pot with a lid, USA made in the 1960’s.

The last pot holder is embellished with a red cross stitch design of a burning candle in a holder.
Ending Note on Vintage Pot Holder Set
The actual pot holder bag has a strap attached to the top. Also, the holder bag has a more elaborate design on it using red, green and yellow colored embroidery floss. It has four decorated flower corners. The center design looks like a covered footed lidded dish of some type. The strap is hand sewn to the body of the pot holder bag.

The whole vintage set is quite clean looking without rips, burns or stains. I am going to donate this set to my favorite historic farmhouse because they do not own any vintage pot holders.
Pot holders are useful items to have in any kitchen. They help you handle hot dishes, cast iron skillets, and not get burned. Also, pot holders can brighten up a kitchen with your own unique style. They are generally inexpensive, useful, well-made and made to last.
But, of course, this pot holder set is something the farmwife would have made with love and used with her wood burning stove.
Happy Holiday Baking and be sure to use those Pot Holders!
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