Travel the World

The other day I spoke to a lady who likes to Travel the World and had been to countries like Egypt, Spain, etc. She felt traveling makes people happier. In her case it, also, gave her a better understanding of the world and opened her view to a lot of other things. She was no longer limited and enjoyed meeting new people and learning about different cultures.

I got to thinking about this, since travel has not recently been a part of my life.

Around the World

Before retiring, a friend of a friend, took a three month long “around the world” tour with his wife and children. The children were pulled out of school to go on the trip. His work gave him time off, so he didn’t have to quit his job.

They shared their travels with others by the use of an online travel diary. They sent out emails when they had new postings. All in all, I think there were only four or five postings of their travels, but it was none the less interesting to read. They also included some photographs. As readers, we were allowed to comment on their travels. I posted comments a time or two. What they learned about their travels is that they like Italian food.

Shortly after they returned, we learned the father had a medical condition which would at some point limit his mobility and possibly future travel.

I’m sure they are glad they took that vacation when they did. Perfect timing as they say. This is, also, something their children will long remember and carry into their lives.

Why do People Travel the World?

There are many reasons people like to travel. Online I found the following reasons.

  • Personal growth and enlightenment
  • Seeking Adventure
  • Experiencing new food, meeting new people, seeing different sights
  • Creating Memories, (By traveling the world or their enjoying local attractions)
  • Getting out of their Comfort Zone
  • Enjoying a Better Climate
  • Rest and Relaxation
Traveling the World
Paper Map, photo 1-26-2025

Travel the World Ending Notes

Since I don’t travel much, I used online sources for information on today’s blog.

However, people who I have talked to enjoy traveling. There are many reasons as there are places to visit.

Travel the world and broaden your horizons or you can be like Farmhouse Magic Blog, write about it. LOL

NOTE: Remember those old paper state maps that were available usually for free in the gas stations? With GPS, travel changed.

Resource Sites: Wikipedia

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