Tomato and Strawberry Cages

Cherry Tomatoes Strawberry and Tomato Cages Strawberry and Tomato Cages

Strawberry and Tomato Cages

I’ve been blogging about the garden cages, so I thought I would share a few photographs.

The long thin cage is for the strawberries and the taller cages are for the regular and cherry tomatoes.  In the far back, you will see the blueberry and raspberry cages.

The cages prevent animals and birds from eating the harvest.

These cages were built of lumber and fence wire.  Some scrap lumber was also used in the project.

It’s important to make sure the wire fence covering is of a small opening size so that birds and animals can’t get in.  Regular chicken wire holes are just too large for this project.


Blueberry and Raspberry Cages Blueberry and Raspberry Cages

This photograph is a closeup view of my blueberry and raspberry cages.

They are in need of a good weeding but do a great job in protecting the berries.

We had a good strawberry harvest this year, so we enlarged the strawberry patch area.

We then transplanted some of the strawberry runners into the new area.

The cherry tomatoes are now in season.  The photographs of the cherry tomatoes and strawberries are from my garden.

The tomato juices just burst in your mouth with each bite of your salad or pasta.

Nothing beats the fresh produce from your very own garden.

Harvested Strawberries on Top of the Strawberry Cage Harvested Strawberries on Top of the Strawberry Cage

Summer Happiness is a Garden Fresh Tomato or Strawberry!

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