Wow, my mini rake arrived this week in the mail and I was quite excited. At first, I thought it might be a bit too small. However, after raking around several shrubs and plants, I now think it is the perfect size for my yard.
The Mini Rake and the Maple Tree
I have one large maple tree in the front yard. Although in the fall, the tree is full of bright fall leaves, the leaves eventually fall to the ground. From there, I need to clean and rake up them up. If I leave them where they fall, it makes the area around my landscaping too moist. I’m afraid it could cause some mold on my plantings. Some of my plants are quite large and would be expensive to treat for disease or replace. And, of course, I want to keep my plants healthy over the winter months.
I, also noticed that mice and other animals tend to be around, if there are too many weeds or loose leaves around the house.
In the below photograph, you will notice the head of my mini rake is compared to my shoe. As you can see, the head of the rake is quite small. However, this feature works out great if you have lots of plants and they are planted quite close.
I, guess I could always buy a leaf blower but I really hate the noise pollution from a lot of landscaping machines.

So, on trying out my mini rake, I was easily able to pull out a bunch of leaves which had fallen in or near my plants. A large rake for this job, would have been almost useless.

Ending Notes
Of course, I still need a large headed rake for my yard and garden. However this mini rake is quite useful. It easily fits into small areas where a larger headed rake can not go or would rip at the plants.
It easily grips the wet leaves, twigs, sticks and other matter I don’t want in my garden.
I’ll definitely be using it again to finish tidying up the front of my yard.
The Mini Rake is a Good Tool for my Garden.