Thanks Ginny is the topic of today’s blog. I was thinking back and tried to think about something that “survived” by childhood perhaps a book, doll, or toy.
Secondhand Ceramic Cat
No, none of the above but what did survive was this secondhand fluffy cat or kitten ceramic figurine.
My mother picked it up in Camp Pendleton’s Turn-About-Shop which was a secondhand store selling used clothing, household goods and other items that military personnel could use.
Sometimes she brought used clothing for us to wear.

The cat figurine was donated to the shop and has a small chip out of one ear. I loved pets as a child and one small chip was nothing.
We had pet dogs, cats, chickens, ducks, rabbits, and hooded rats. We, also, probably caught a slow-moving lizard or two, and then let them go.
Cat Figurine Made by “Ginny”
If you turn the figurine upside down, you will noticed that it must have been made in a ceramic class since it had the name Ginny scratched into the wet clay. Also, a “V” is present on the underside. Could this stand for the class number or Ginny’s last name? That I’ll never know.
If you look closely there is a bit of newspaper still stuck on the cat’s paw which I’ve never been able to remove.

The photograph on the left shows the .35 cent price written in heavy black marking pen.
I gave it a good washing before I took today’s photographs since I’m sure it hasn’t been washed for awhile.
This figurine is 55-plus years old and that doesn’t account for the time before it came into my possession.
Ending Notes on Thanks Ginny Blog
My mother was thrifty and shopped in the Turn-about-Shop since she didn’t have much money to spare.
I like to shop in my local secondhand stores to support their good works or to “recycle” items destined for the trash heap. I, also, love the thrill of the hunt but, of course, I share some of my mom’s thrifty views.

The photograph on the right, shows the back of the cat or kitten figurine with one paw playfully lifted up.
For today’s blog I would like to thank Ginny for creating something I treasured throughout my life.
The cat figurine has survived good times and bad, many moves, and variety of other variables.
Little things mean a lot. Today can you get a lasting memory for only .35 cents? Probably not.