Today we weeded the front garden beds and then checked out the spring blooms at one our favorite garden centers.
In fact, we were so inspired by the center’s spring blooms, we decided to buy some bags of mulch to begin work on our front yard.
After speaking with another shopper, we also bought a package of strawberry roots. This friendly customer, also, loves to garden. We checked out photos of each other’s strawberry patches. Very interesting!

Spring Display Inside the Garden Store

Carrots and eggs display right inside the front doors.
The below wooden eggs look a little like European painted eggs.
Close up of painted wooden eggs which remind one of Pysanky or Ukrainian Easter Egg patterns.

Planters and Spring Blooms Display
In the front of the garden center, I noted this planter display. The planters are quite large and would look nice in the front of a home/business, or on a deck or patio. I noticed a sign that said you can “shop” from the displays.

Ending Notes on Spring Blooms Blog
If you remember an earlier Farmhouse Magic blog, I purchased a Peris Japonica which I planted in large planter. At some point, I removed it and planted it in the ground around my patio.
Unfortunately, my plant doesn’t look anything like the one at the store. It doesn’t have a single flower on it. So, I’m trying to figure this all out.
Perhaps my shrub is too shaded or small. I, also, have a problem with the roots of the maple tree growing into other plant roots. Apparently, if you trim it, you can cut off the blooms for the new year. But, I don’t remember trimming it but, again, not sure on that one. Best option now, is to do a little research to see what I can do to get blooms next year.

Wow, this Peris Japonica at the garden center is loaded with lovely bell shaped white flowers.
A Big Thank You to Merrifield Garden Center for allowing me to blog and take photographs at your popular garden center. All items featured on today’s blog can be purchased at the Merrifield Garden Center
On today’s visit, the store is full of shoppers enjoying the spring blooms and the inspiring landscapes.
Note: Again, thank you for the free coffee and pop corn. I really enjoyed that cup of coffee while touring the garden center!