I stopped in my local big box garden and hardware store looking for some plaster for a faux food project.
I noticed a few signs of spring.
These small cactus plants looked wonderful on display. However, the store didn’t have much in the way of real plants.

This garden and hardware store was already well stocked with seeds for those spring gardens.
This photograph is of packets of radish seeds.

Here we see stacked vinyl coated tomato cages.
I generally prefer the plan wire tomato cages. I think they are a little less expensive.
Beside, as the smart gardener, you can always recycle tomato cages from year to year.
This photograph show stacks and stacks of outdoor wooden trellises ready for the first signs of warmer days.
Oddly enough, I saw a few snow flurries while out shopping yesterday.
Farmhouse Magic Blog is anxiously awaiting the first signs of spring or that robin in the yard.

Trail Diva,
Thanks for the comment on “Signs of Spring”. I’ll have to look up what a snowdrop looks like.
Snowdrops and people wearing shorts when it gets up to 50 degrees.