I’m using this old photograph because it relates to physical fitness but today’s blog is more about physical therapy.
Unfortunately, I’m at the beginning of some physical therapy for sore shoulders with poor range of motion. I’m scheduled for physical therapy twice a week sessions for six weeks.
Basically, my main issue is poor range of motion of my one arm. I’ve had troubles with turning a steering wheel, fixing my hair, opening the curtains and other activities that need above the head use of my hands. So, as you can see, I need help with this.
Physical Therapy Consultation Visit
Because, I had my consultation visit and x-rays last week, I’m well on my way to several days of required exercises.
Fortunately, I was given an exercise sheet to take home with diagrams of a person doing the exercises. Reading that sheet is the only thing easy about doing the exercises.
I’m to use a wooden dowel to help with the stretching of both arms. One arm is easy, the other is quite grueling. I wish I could describe it a different way, but it is hard to do and pretty much exhausting. It also doesn’t matter than I do a couple of the exercises while in bed.
The only way to improve is to keep doing the PT exercises.
Ending Comments
I’ll keep my Readers informed of any new developments.
I’m to do these exercises twice a day but I’m having trouble fitting them all in. Last night I did a couple of last stretches before I went to bed.
Anyway, I need to start the morning stretches before I go off to do my volunteer work. So I guess I better end this blog now and give my Readers an update in the future.
So happy holidays everyone. Enjoy the brisk weather the winter season brings, but be careful not to slip on any icy sidewalks.

PT Update – 1-5-2023: I thought I would give my Readers a quick update on the PT treatments. Things are going well. There are two sets of at home exercises to do. That the hard part fitting things into a busy day. PT at the office is twice a week.