While out grocery shopping, I noted this container of unusual looking Orondo Ruby Cherries. Most of the Orondo Ruby Cherries in this package have a slight yellow blush to them.
New Type of Cherries
The history on the package states that back in 2001, these cherries were a chance discovery. The new variety of cherry tree was found in an established cherry orchard in Orondo, Washington.
Apparently, cherries grow best in Orondo with hot summer days and cool breezes from the Columbia River.
These cherries are sweeter and have more sugar in them then Rainer Cherries.
So, today I decided to make a Fruit Salad for dinner tonight.
Orondo Ruby Cherry Fruit Salad Recipe
- Papaya, 1, thinly sliced, seed discarded
- White Peach, 1, pitted and thinly sliced
- Red Raspberries, about 6 to 8
- Blue Berries, about 6 to 8
- Rondo Ruby Cherries, about 6 to 8

- Arrange sliced paypaya neatly on a dish, add the sliced peaches keeping them in a neat circular paterrn.
- Add Orondo Ruby Cherries, and toss raspberries and blueberries randomly over the salad.
- Serve with a scoop of cottage cheese. Makes about two servings. Add salad dressing if desired. You definitely can other fruit as you desire but I like this nice combination. If you do not own a cherry pitter, be careful of the seeds in the cherries.
Ending Notes
I was curious to see what type of meals you can make with cherries and found fresh corn from the cob and cherry salad, cherry milkshakes, cherry plum crisp, and cherry slices served in a cucumber cup.
Boy, all these recipes sound refreshing on a hot summer day.
Anyway, a fresh fruit salad with a glass of ice tea on a hot summer day really hits the spot. A fruit salad is not quite dessert but it makes a sweet and nutritious ending to a busy weekend day.
Enjoy the abundance of fresh fruits right now including Rondo Ruby Cherries!
Resource Sites: www.eatlikenoon.com and orondoruby.com