A quick trip to our local garden store reveals quite a few Mushroom Decorations. In the spring, wild mushrooms are commonly found in the woods. Really, spring is around the bend, right? Well kind of, nonetheless, this mushroom garden display got my attention.
Mushroom Decorations in the Garden Store
So, the first item I’m blogging about is the earth-toned crock overflowing with natural-looking tan mushrooms. I didn’t pick them up, but I believe the mushrooms are individually priced. Interestingly, the caps of the mushrooms all look a little different.

Red and White Spotted Mushrooms
So, I noticed quite a few decorative red capped mushrooms with white spots. This next photograph is of a very large mushroom which looks to be made out of chicken write and perhaps paper Mache. It is painted bright red and white. In keeping with a spring look, there is a little snow falling off the mushroom’s cap which is done with the use of cotton “snow”.
Paper Mache Memories – Mushroom Decorations
Thinking back, I remember having an art class once where we used chicken wire to make a form and then cover it with paper Mache strips. For this class, I made a large pink vase with two handles. To finish it up, I painted it a light pink color and added some pink roses to the front. To this day, It reminds me of an umbrella stand but I intended it as purely a decorative piece.
I remember one kid in the class wanting to make a Frankenstein monster creation. Then, he said he was going to put it on roller skates and light it on fire for Halloween. Of course, the art teacher didn’t like that idea. In the end, I’m not sure what his final project was. However, I never heard anything more about a burning Frankenstein.

To judge the size of this mushroom, note the crock of mushrooms underneath the cap of this large red and white mushroom. Unfortunately, I don’t believe this mega sized one it is for sale.
Holiday Sales – Mushroom Decorations
Recently when browsing through the store, I noted a few on sale holiday items. Below, this light green display pan is filled with brown strips of packing paper. Please note, the glass and paper ornament mushrooms are carefully displayed across the pan’s top.

Wow, I really like the look of this bright display fireplace mantel painted in right red with an antique mirror above it. Notice some of the antique mirror is painted a pine green. Actually, I own a similar antique mirror but, unfortunately, it is too large for my setting. In other words, my mirror is sitting in storage.
So, this attractive fireplace mantel has lots of greenery with flowers and plants-many shades of green. Notice the mushroom pillow on the bench in front of the mantle.

This glass dome contains a woodland scene complete with three red capped spotted mushroom. The tag states the price is $27.99. It can be hung on a holiday tree or other places by the ribbon on top.
Is it Real? – Mushroom Decorations
Because in Mushroom Decorations, there are many red capped mushrooms with white dots on them, I wondered, if that a real mushroom in nature?
Sure enough, online research shows what is known as an amanita muscaria commonly known as the fly agaric to look very similar.
Ending Notes
In conclusion, as always, I enjoyed my shopping excursion to the Garden Center.
With all of us thinking about spring, it is a perfect time to introduce a variety of inspiring mushroom merchandise to brighten up a room or two.
What Did I Buy?
In thinking about it, you would think realistic-looking candy canes would be easy to find. However, I don’t find that to be true. So, I purchased six faux candy canes at a very reasonable price at after the holiday sale. I’ve made a decision; I’m donating them to the farmhouse to hang on their next year’s holiday tree or used for “making stockings”. Because they are made of plastic, they will not attract bugs and, if dropped, will not break.

Really, a big thank you to Merrifield Garden Center for allowing me to blog and to take photograph of their Garden Store.
Resource Sties: Wikipedia and the Wildlife Trusts