It is interesting to note that the United States Spanish Flu Epidemic of 1918-1919 had many similarities to today’s COVID-19 pandemic.
There were the same school & church closings, quarantines, social distancing, lockdowns, mask wearing, and volunteer efforts.
However, during the Spanish Flu epidemic, the American Red Cross was very active. Today we see more of the CDC for COVID-19 pandemic information and disease control.
This evening, I watched a YouTube presentation entitled, “We are All in this Together: Johnstown, 1918” by Bob Cat Films. Although I do not usually give movie reviews, I thought the topics brought up in this movie were very similar to our COVID-19 Pandemic experience. To watch this YouTube movie please check with the web site of the Johnstown Area Heritage Association and click on the video camera icon.
This movie’s genre is historical fictional. Students from the University of Pittsburgh at Johnstown researched and read old Johnstown newspapers. Items related to the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918-19 were noted so that information in the film would be accurate.
This film has been broken down into four parts which will shown for four Thursdays.
The short premier video is about Kathleen (O’Creidy) Wissenschaft, a fictional character, who lives in the Cambria City neighborhood of Johnstown, PA during the time of the 1818-19 Spanish Flu Epidemic.
Interestingly enough, Kathleen talks about many things we are experiencing with COVID-19 like wearing masks, the use of teamwork to beat the Spanish Flu Epidemic, and how the disease was like a ticking time bomb in crowded neighborhoods.
She also talks about the old Penn Traffic Department Store and the Boy Scouts being asked to volunteer at Conemaugh Hospital.
The movie was filmed in the Wager-Ritter House in Cambria City so things looked very authentic.
I’m looking forward to the other installments of this film.

For Your Information: The vintage wood stove photograph used for this blog is not the vintage stove used in the movie. I thought it looked similar, so I added it to this blog.
Update 4-30-2021: Episode 2., A Recipe for Disaster: Tomatoes–Snake Oil–Mustard Gas.
The story continues on with Kathleen working in her Women’s War Garden trying to grow tomatoes.
The newspaper is delivered. She reminds the paper boy to wear his mask to keep him safe from the Spanish Influenza.
She reads about people buying war bonds. There are articles in the newspaper about wearing masks, washing hands, and avoiding crowds to keep the Spanish influenza epidemic in check.
Sadly, Kathleen receives a letter from her son who is coming home from his WWI service since he was mustard gassed and is now blind.
Lots of things going on in Kathleen’s life and she continues to cope with it all. Although there is talk about developing a vaccine, the Spanish Influenza has not been stopped and the movie takes on a more ominous tone.
Update 5-6-2021: Episode 3., Spanish Influenza is Deadlier than the War
Kathleen’s husband becomes ill which she suspects is the Spanish Influenza. Kathleen is scared and almost frantic as she tries to manage his illness, lockdowns, and keeping her wits about her.
There is a city wide lockdown with hospitals being over crowded with Spanish influenza cases. Everyone in Johnstown is to wear a mask and report any illnesses. There is even a shortage of mentholated rub.
Kathleen does not want to report the illness in her home and become quarantined. She needs to pick up her returning son so she lies about what is wrong with her husband.
Sadly, she later receives a letter that her son, who survived the war, has passed away from the deadly Spanish influenza.
One immediately sees the similarities of COVID-19 versus the Spanish influenza—the overcrowding of hospitals, shortages of medical supplies, and lockdowns. Also, Kathleen wants to avoid being immediately quarantined. People with COVID-19 were also resistant to being quarantined. In the movie, passing the lethal flu germ on to others is the risk she takes.
Update 5-13-2021: Episode 4., A New Hope
Today I watched episode 4: A New Hope which is the ending episode of “We are All In This Together” video.
In the movie, epidemic conditions in Johnstown become horrid with funeral homes running out of caskets, the death toll over 500, and people being arrested for not following quarantine rules.
Kathleen is deeply religious and is trying to plan a funeral for her deceased son whose body is in a temporary morgue.
At first one thinks what does a new hope have to do with this episode as things seems hopeless when Kathleen’s husband then passes away.
However, the message, is that you are not alone in this epidemic and there is hope. To over come the epidemic, it takes everyone doing what needs to be done, it’s helping others, and following strict rules. It’s not a few people but thousands and thousands of people working together.
This is much the same way with COVID-19, everyone needs to work together, never fail to do what has to be done, and also perhaps keep their faith like Kathleen.
Looks like love is in the air! Good luck with your web site and thanks for reading Farmhouse Magic Blog.