Maple Root Fungus

Because it was such a lovely day, I was out walking in the yard and noticed this maple root fungus. To me, this fungus looks pretty much like roses in bloom. Of course, the colors of this fungus are mainly browns and tans.

Online, I started to check out things, to see if I could identify it. Ok, it’s a bit difficult because the closest I could come up with is turkey tail fungus or a false turkey tail fungus. They both looked almost identical and only had very slight differences.

In a nutshell, turkey tail fungus gets its name because it looks like a turkey’s tail and its growth is flat like. Because of this, I’m thinking this might be a false turkey tail or stereum ostrea group.

Rose Shaped Fungus Growing on Maple Root, 10-1-2023

What is Stereum Ostrea ?

Stereum Ostrea is a plant pathogen which feeds on decaying hardwoods like my maple tree. It feeds on roots but also on trees and tree stumps The word ostrea comes from the word oyster which describes its shape.

Fungus Growing on Maple Root, 10-1`-2023

Ending Notes on Maple Root Fungus

My garden never ceases to amaze me with its never ending variety of trees, flowers, visiting wildlife, or even maple root fungus.

Not long ago, a large maple tree was removed from my front yard. I, suppose, this could be an old root from that tree. I’m hoping it is because my remaining maple tree looks healthy right now.

While researching this blog, I came across a video about making tea from a certain type of fungus. I want to offer a bit of caution here, be sure you know how to identify a mushroom or fugus before eating it.

Years and years ago, I knew of a whole family that went foraging in the woods for mushrooms. They brought the mushrooms home and ate them. Unfortunately, the mushrooms they picked and consumed were very poisonous. The family was admitted to the hospital. Then they were flown to a major city hospital where they were put on life support. I believe they were in the hospital for at least two weeks.

Fortunately, the story has a happy ending in that whole family survived the ordeal of the poisonous mushrooms. But always be careful when forging in the woods for something to eat.

Be Happy and Be Safe!

Resource Sites: Wikipedia and

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