Making Gift Bags with Recycled Cards
If you are in the middle of wrapping a present and run out of gift bags, you can always make your own. Not only it is a lesson in recycling but you will also save money on expensive gift bags.
Keep on hand an assortment of color paper bags. They can be purchased cheaply in a bunch from Michaels Craft Store.
Also, remember to save any holiday or birthday cards you receive.
Now the creative part begins. Select a colored bag and go through your used card assortment looking for one or two colors which pick up the color of the bag. You can also use contrasting colors.

When you are satisfied with your choices, cut the card front off. With all purpose white household glue carefully glue the card front on the bag. Allow to dry thoroughly.
Insert gift with tissue paper and use a variety of color ribbons to tie on the bag handles.
I’ve also heard about individuals who recycle cards to make gift tags but I haven’t seen this done. Remember the more gift bags you make the more money you will save on packaging. Also, fewer items will end up on a landfill.