This time of the year, I’m getting a little tired of the weather being cold, gray and grumpy.
I need a little happiness and a few rays of sunshine in my day.

I want to get out in the yard and do some gardening.
Don’t forget I have all those new boxwood plants I’ve been trying to grow indoors.
Hopefully, a few of them will grow some roots so I’ll be transplanting them.
It is also time to start checking out the offerings in those seed catalogs that come to the house and decide what type of lettuce I want to grow this year.
Everyone wants to get out those dusty bicycles and head to the bike paths.

And to answer that ever burning question, will there be any snapping turtle babies in my yard come spring?
I hope not.
Guess what, there was the recent sighting of a rare painted bunting bird in near by Great Falls Park.
What a colorful bird with all his blue, green, yellow and red markings.

So spring is not quite here yet, hang in there everyone and carry on.