I’m on a kitchen improvement quest. I noticed that the magnet catch on the kitchen cabinet was broken.
I wanted to replace this part, so the door would once again work properly.
I found a new magnet catch in my odds and ends bin in the basement.
Items Needed for Magnet Catch Repair Project
New Magnet Catch
Phillips Screw Driver
I first removed the old broken brown magnet catch.
I was hoping to use the previously drilled holes for the screws.
Unfortunately, they didn’t work with the new magnet catch.

I was able to use one hole but needed to drill another small hole for the second screw.
I carefully marked the area with a pencil.
Next step was to drill the new hole in the cabinet.
I then put in the second screw.
Since this was just a replacement on a broken magnet catch, I did not have to add the striker part since it was already on the opposite cabinet door.
I tested it out with the newly installed part and everything now works fine.
The cabinet door is now securely held with the new magnet catch when the shut.