It has been weeks and weeks since I’ve ventured out of the house.
Today I took a short trip about town to see what was new.
I stayed in the car in the whole time.
This above photograph shows a popular grocery store.
The masked shoppers are waiting in in a long line with distance between each shopper.
I noticed one shopper reading a book while she waited in line.

This friendly bus driver gave me a wave.
He is wearing two surgical masks and plastic gloves while driving the bus.
Most people are wearing their masks even while out for a stroll.
These two mask-wearing gentlemen crossed in front of my vehicle.

Around town you will see multiple delivery trucks making needed deliveries.
The price of gasoline has plummeted around here.

Farmhouse Magic Blog sees Signs of Hope – New building construction continues.

Our state entered Phase 1 of the reopening. However, there were too many COVID-19 cases in our county and we remain under lock down mode.
It was great to leave the house for a little bit and see that we are still fighting back.