I couldn’t help but take a photograph, or two, of these beautiful Hibiscus in Bloom. The photographs are from a recent visit to a greenhouse at a local gardening center. What a lovely showy ruby colored flower!
Hibiscus in Bloom blog couldn’t be done without a mention of my mom who loved flowers of all kinds. She never failed to ask me what was in bloom in my yard, even in the middle of winter. Growing up, my mom had a large red hibiscus plant and it seemed often in bloom. However, my research indicates the hibiscus blooms only last from one to three days, so not sure if I remembered that correctly.

Hibiscus Information
So, online information shows that hibiscus are flowering plants in the Mallow family. The genus is large consisting of several hundred species. Hibiscus can be a perennial plant, woody shrub or tree. They are often cultivated as an ornamental plant. The flower’s color range is anything from white, pink, red, blue, orange or peach. Landscapers use the flower to attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds to the garden.
Hibiscus in bloom flowers are made into tea which can be drank either hot or cold. The flower is also edible and is candied or used as a garnish most often for desserts. Be sure to check out our earlier blog on how to make refreshing Hibiscus Ginger tea. (Click here)

There are a few blooming yellow hibiscus plants on this display.
Interestingly enough, the state flower of Hawaii is a yellow hibiscus with a red center, (hibicus brackenridgei). But, most often a red, (rosa-sinensis hibiscus) is shown on post cards, etc. This is because, back in 1920, all colors of the hibiscus plant were considered the territorial flower. However, in 1988, only the yellow hibiscus became the state flower. Unfortunately, the yellow hibiscus is, also, considered an endangered flower in Hawaii.
One type of plant from the Hibiscus in Bloom blog is the Rose of Sharon. This is classified as an invasive species in much of the eastern North America. But, in my opinion, it is not as lovely as the hibiscus plant.

Ending Notes from the Hibiscus in Bloom Blog
Because it is time to sum up this blog, I like to say that hibiscus in bloom blog reminds me of hot days and tropical breezes. A trip to Hawaii would be nice, right?
A Thank You to Merrifield Garden Center for allowing me to take photographs and to blog about your garden plus more store. All plants featured on today’s blog can be found at Merrifield Garden Center.
Resource Sites; Wikipedia, www.spruce.com, gardeningsolutions.ufl.edu, and robertshawaii.com