Happy Anniversary FMB

It is hard to believe that it has been four years since we first started our blog, but Happy Anniversary FMB! June 4th, 2023, was our four year anniversary date or when we went online to the world. I clearly remember that day. I had no idea of what I was doing or even what I was going to blog about. My blogging skills have definitely improved over the four years.

In fact, I actually am currently the editor of two online news sites. I volunteer my time and skills to those projects. Initially, the place was unable to hire a part-time media person to do this job. It is definitely a great honor to help out, because I believe in the mission statement of this place. I generally take almost all the photographs, write the news blogs, add any additional information. That was also a learning experience but it so rewarding seeing those online sites come alive to the public, provide needed information, and collecting needed funding to keep this nonprofit going.

2022-2023 New Years Table Setting

Covid-19 and FMB

It has really been a wild ride for Farmhouse Magic Blog. Over the four years, we survived the Covid-19 Pandemic and probably blogged every day about it. Since we were indoors pretty much the whole time, I remember going through my “magic cupboard” looking for things or knickknacks to blog about. Why do we called it the magic cupboard? It’s because it stores a great number of items in it. There are not only knickknacks but a set of wedding dishes, a variety of table placemats, napkins, serving dishes, napkin rings, candle holders, and candles, plus so much more. Just when I think it is full, then I add one more thing to the “magic cupboard” commonly known as the china closet.

Happy Anniversary FMB, and More . . .

But back to our blogging anniversary. Yes, I read the blog checking for errors but occasionally a “Whoops” error is printed. For example, Trail Diva, one of our longtime fans, noted we talked about a gladioli but actually the flower was an iris. What! Yes, true that was a big error but it was corrected. I generally upload a post and then go back and check it for errors. I have also had requests, for people who want me to hire them to do my blogging. No thanks to that one, I love to write my own blog material.

We have also been off line for awhile. I remember my early blog was taken down flooded by excess emails. It was then, I realized I needed a firewall to keep things running. No two ways about that. My blog is powered by GoDaddy, so thanks for all the help keeping things running. I also like using Yoast SEO which helps me be a better blog writer by telling me where I need to make changes in my blog. Thanks Yoast SEO.

Ending Notes of Happy Anniversary FMB

Farmhouse Magic Blog has had over 28,000 visitors and over 100,000 visits. I say WOW to that one too. Some blogs talk about a million hits. However, Farmhouse Magic Blog wants to thank all our Readers for pushing our numbers up. Perhaps one day we will hit the million mark.

So, Thank You Farmhouse Magic Blog Readers for the Memories and, hopefully, we will share many more years together.

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