Merrifield Garden Center

Great Neighbors

This morning the landline rang at 1:45 a.m. but I never thought it would be from my great neighbors. In the past, when the telephone rang in the wee hours, it was never good news.

Flashing Lights?

As it turns out, my neighbor saw my flashing patio light and thought it was an alarm going off. So he called to ask if were OK.

For the past couple of days, a broken patio light began flashing on and then off.

My neighbor concerned with our safety, called us, and that’s what counts. That same neighbor always brings homemade holiday cookies and candy at Christmas time.

The world we live in is upside down with COVID, unrest, and worrisome world events. Nothing is as it seems anymore and it is better to be cautious than careless.

Thank You to My Great Neighbors

I have some great neighbors in my area who I can trust and will help me if I’m in trouble.

A big thank you to the following neighbors:

A neighbor who picked up my mail while I was out at town at funeral. Another neighbor who asked if we wanted to shower at their place when my water heater broke. A neighbor who came to fix the broken electric toy train.

My neighbors take time to chat about gardening, neighborhood happenings and home repairs.

My neighbors shared our “Paid Off” mortgage cake, and notice if we’re not around. They will also lend you unusual items like shipping dollies and share happy stories of grandchildren.

Great Neighborhood & Great Neighbors

To sum things up, I want to say is I live in a wonderful neighborhood and have great neighbors. Thank you for always thinking about us!

(Now to get that patio light fixed).

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