I noticed these special hangers the other day and my thoughts were on form versus function. Where it is written that everyday items should be basic looking in form and not eye catching? Wouldn’t life be better with a little razzle-dazzle every now and then?
In fact, I love this row of colorful beaded hangers holding table runners. They look like they were made by gluing colorful beads onto clothing hangers. Or perhaps plastic hangers were heated somehow and the beads pressed on.

Everyday Life – Form Versus Function
So, let’s go back to functionality of a basic item such as a hanger.
Hangers are perfect in design since they fit into our closets, hang precisely over a wooden or metal pole, and generally prevent our clothing from dropping to the floor. Hangers are, also, used to hang up our scarves, belts and other accessories. And, we all have plastic hangers in our laundry room to hang wet items to allow natural drying when dryer heat is not indicated.
Here is a gardeners’ hack, use a metal hanger to hang a basket of strawberries over a pole. Of course, that hanger must be metal as plastic hangers will break if bent.

A Little Bit of Razzle-Dazzle
Now, go back to the form element of this blog.
We all want a full life that is more than a little basic. We want beautiful items in our world to enjoy and cherish.
For storage, think of adding a row of costume necklaces or bracelets to this beautiful beaded hanger for a real artistic look.
Ending Notes
So, I’m trying to expand my horizons a bit by having some unusual items around the house to enjoy. We only live once right?
Why not add a few extraordinary items like this beaded hanger or something else that strikes a right chord with you.
This beaded hanger is a perfect example of molding function and form into one fabulous item.
Enjoy your Day from Farmhouse Magic Blog.com
Resource Sites: Beaded hangers and table runners are available for purchase at Merrifield Garden Center store.
A Big Thank You to Merrifield Garden Center for allowing me to blog and to photograph items in their store.