The above photograph shows the repaired faux cakes and some leaf cookies which are on a wax paper lined drying tray.
After the faux cakes are totally dry, they will be ready for painting.
I’m going to think a little about the cake color since will they be either white meringue or a butter cream icing color.
Directions for Repairing Cracks in Faux Layer Cakes

The above photograph, shows a close up view of the top of the larger faux cake. As you can see, there are some small cracks in the top which came about after the Plaster of Paris mixture dried.
To repair the cracks, use a couple tablespoons of Plaster of Paris mixed mainly with white household glue and just a teaspoon or so of water. Stir the mixture until smooth with no lumps.
To make the repairs, I use my fingers with a little of the mixture to fill in the cracks.

This smaller cake had a different issue with some cracks in the side layer.
These cracks were easily repaired with the Plaster of Paris and glue mixture.
Hopefully, it will hold up after it dries. If not, it can be repaired a second time.
After the repaired cakes are dry, then they are ready to be painted with white acrylic paint.