I absolutely love cooking with herbs so that is why I purchased this vintage everyday herb usage chart.
While cleaning out my basement, I had forgotten I placed it down there.
I originally wanted to hang it in my kitchen.
So I know what you’re thinking, “Farmhouse Magic Blog, that photograph shows the back of the herb chart!”
Right again, but after carefully looking over the print, I noticed it has a copy right from 1948. From my limited knowledge of copyright law, the rightful owner needs to reap full benefit for their artistic works. I would need permission to show this chart on my blog. Anything that was copyrighted from 1935 to 1978 is protected for 95 years and longer if the artist renews the copyright.

Even though I cannot show the chart, I found the information on it to be interesting in a number of ways. It also gave me insight about what life and food were like in the 1940’s era.
The chart gave tips about using basil in tomato soup or canned soup. You can also chop basil and add it to creamed eggs. Creamed eggs are hard boiled eggs which are cut up and added to a white cream sauce. This mixture is served over toast or biscuits. This is something I’ve never tried. People were also adding basil to their mackerels, (canned fish).
It also stated that both fresh and dried herbs should be finely chopped. I’ve never chopped dry herbs but perhaps a lot of people dried their own herbs back in the 1940’s and the dried pieces were larger.
Savory can be added to cold green bean salad. I’ve never had cold green bean salad but it sounds healthy.
Sage can be used in duck or goose stuffing. Again, this is something I’ve never eaten but perhaps there were more hunters back in 1948.
The chart also mentioned the use chervil. Chervil looks a little like parsley and is sometimes known as French Parsley. It is often used in French cuisine.
Farmhouse Magic Blog hopes you enjoyed today’s blog on herbs.
Some of it reminded me of Depression era cooking with the use of cheap ingredients (canned soup, eggs, and canned mackerel) and creamy sauces over toast. Perhaps it also reflects some WWII shortages.
I, also, think the use of cheap food products enlivened up with a dash of herbs or spices is very appropriate to COVID-19 times.