Well, today’s blog topic is Colorful Fall Gourds but, of course, it could also be entitled Colorful Fall Gourds and Pumpkins. As we all know, Farmhouse Magic Blog, just loves fall days, orange pumpkins and nature’s colorful fall displays.
Colorful Fall Gourds & Pumpkins
At the front of one of my favorite garden stores, are wooden crates full of fall-colored pumpkins and gourds. These are sold by the pound. Recently, I notice what seems to be very flat white pumpkins. Obviously, these pumpkins grown for their flat shape and stacking ability.

Looking at other varieties, this wooden crate holds pumpkins in muted shades of green, gray, and orange.
This four-tier stack of pumpkins is flanked by unusual shaped gourds. I’ve actually seen this stacking pumpkins design made with faux pumpkins. However, these are real pumpkins and gourds.

This next photograph shows a natural color selection of muted greens, rusts, purple and yellow plants and grasses. The tall grasses give the landscape a bit of height and add interest.

Ending Notes
As always, I’ve enjoyed my special trip to the garden center. So, the final photograph on this blog shows the beautiful look you can get by adding plants, mums, and a small pumpkin to a stone urn.
As we all can see, the natural color combination of this grouping is simply spot on and gorgeous.
Wow, I’ve really enjoyed seeing all the gourds and pumpkins in today’s blog.
By the way, I guess my Readers are wondering what I purchased today? Well, we picked up a big stack of kiln-dried firewood for those crisp autumn days.
And, because my Readers want to know what I did over the weekend. I, actually, sold fall pumpkins at a fund raiser for a local park. So, I’m thinking being surrounded by pumpkins in a pumpkin patch is a great way to spend a fall day.
And, what was your fall weekend like?

As always, a Special Thank You to Merrifield Garden Center for allowing me to blog and take photographs in their garden store. Also, thank you for the free plant clinic advice.
All items featured in today’s blog are available at Merrifield Garden Center.