Decided to stop in the Sully Recreation Center today and see what the Chantilly Community Day was all about.
Wonder Wagon, FCPA
The first thing I noted, was all the booths that were set up. In particular, I found Fairfax County Park’s Wonder Wagon to be quite interesting. This apparently is a somewhat new feature for the Fairfax Parks system. The van travels to different sites in the county and talks about the native animals in the parks, etc. I like the different animals that are painted on the colorful Wonder Wagon .

Apparently the nice representative with the Wonder Wagon talks a lot about native wild animals in the Fairfax area. This taxidermy red fox was part of the display.

This wild rabbit almost looks like he could hop away from the table. This taxidermy item was also part of the Wonder Wagon’s display.

We came to the event rather late in the day, so they began to close down the tables and pack up things. We wanted to go into community center but the gentleman at the door told us we couldn’t go in until 4 p.m. We had not been in the community center since it opened, so I am unable to report anything new on that.
However, we found this large chess set in the parking lot to be interesting. Unfortunately, Farmhouse Magic Blog never learned to play chess. If you look closely, you will notice they also had a plastic bowling alley set up next to it.

Ending Notes on Chantilly Community Day
The last thing I noticed was that the center had a live DJ playing dance music. A group of people were dancing together; It looked like fun. Also, of course, it is also good exercise.

Everyone was having a nice time on the “dance floor”. It’s a good thing the dancing was in the shade since it was pretty hot out.
We were glad we stopped in today to check things out. Had a nice time and picked up a free snack closer clothes pin and a couple great reading book pins.
Thanks for the free goodies!