I noticed a brining truck on the road the other day. Brining trucks have a tank which hold the bine. Brine is a solution of water and salt. A row of sprayers line the area behind the truck near the roadway. The brine is then sprayed onto the roadway with the sprayers.
Brining helps keep the roads free from snow and makes driving easier for the many automobiles on the road around here.
Brining trucks spray bine on the roadways prior to a snow storm. The brine is then allowed to dry.
Brining solution is now used instead of salt crystals because it stays on the road better.
When trucks spread salt crystals on a road, a large amount of the crystals bounce off the roadway and land off of the road, thus, not being very effective.

The photographs on today’s blog shows where a brining truck went by in my neighborhood leaving a trail of brining solution on the road.
Brine is more effective than salt and sand.
Brining a road is also, labor efficient since the brine is applied to the roadway prior to the snow storm.
From an ecological view point, brining the roads reduces the amount of salty runoff on the shoulder of the road and also eventually to enter the waterways.
Brining the roadways is a simple idea with great payoff. It makes driving on snowy roads much safer.

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