Big Box Store – $1 to $3 Items
Farmhouse Magic Blog headed to one of the big box stores in town to do a little bargain shopping.
I was curious as to what they have in their $1 to $3 items bins near the front of the store.
The first item I would like to mention is the Strawberry and Daisy Growing Kits. Each festive red or purple box container has a small amount of growing medium. The growing medium contains either a strawberry or a daisy flower seed.
Probably the best way to get a live plant is to replant the medium disk in a small crock and water.

I liked this package of Indoor Snowballs which are white and pink pompoms.
The name Indoor Snowballs is cute and I guess the object is to toss the pompoms around indoors.
You could also get a small basket or bucket and play a game to see how many pompoms you can toss in.
The idea appeals to me since children would not be able to break anything in the house with these snowballs.

These faux cacti plants are potted in some type of pink or red container. It also looks like there might be some type of gift tag attached.
The cacti are small but very realistic looking and, of course, no water or care is needed.

What’s New in the Rest of the Store?
I’m wearing my big puffy warm coat right now but I noticed a new ladies swimsuit display in the store.
I thought it was a little early to think about swimming as the water is still frozen in the gully near my house.
I’m not buying a swimsuit today but I guess I can dream of going of a vacation to a warm climate right now.
Farmhouse Magic Blog Readers – What is your ideal warm weather vacation spot?

What Did I Buy?
I purchased this bottle of vanilla extract off the clearance racks.
I was pleasantly surprised though because I only paid $3.13 for the bottle since it was a markdown from the markdown shelves.
If I had known that, I would have picked up a second bottle of it since I do a lot of baking.
Happy Bargain Shopping!