Well, yesterday I stopped in for a hair cut in my nearby shopping center when I noticed my hair dresser was wearing an unusual looking beauty shop accessory bag.
The more I thought about this beauty shop accessory bag, the more sense it made to me.
If you are carrying all your scissors, hair clips and combs with you, think about the steps you will save in your day. In fact, this is definitely a more efficient way to work in the beauty shop. So, my hair dresser gets lots of points for thinking about her job and how to improve things.

Scientific Management Theory in Action
This made me think back to my old college days and the economic principal of scientific management. Scientific management is when one analyses the work flow to improve economic efficiency.
The big name in that one, was Frederick Winslow Taylor who was a mechanical engineer. Taylor was concerned about the most efficient method of doing a task.
Taylor’s famous study was of Bethlehem Steel workers in the early 1900’s. The steel workers shoveled pig iron at the plant. However, the same size shovel was used for all shoveling. Taylor did not think this was the most efficient way to do this.
It was found that workers shoveling pig iron could do more work if provided with a shovel which could holds 21 1/2 pounds of pig iron. Workers were also given a cash incentive if they got the job done plus a break in their day. Needless to say, shovel size made a huge difference in the amount of work that was finished.
I’m thinking my hair dresser applied the same economic principals here. She is becoming more efficient at her job by wearing her tools of the trade around her neck. She is also able to quickly select the right size scissors for each hair cut since everything is at her finger tips.
Ending Notes in Beauty Shop Accessory Blog
So tying this all together in the end, my hair dresser was booked for another customer in 20 minutes. But in that time, she was able to finish my hair and it came out looking lovely.
She also stopped and gave out small bottles of water to her customers. I think she was able to take off some minutes of time from the haircut and then able to work on customer relations. In fact, that is what work is all about saving time and becoming more efficient.
And, she even took the time to pose for this blog photograph.
A Big Thank You to my Hair Dresser for allowing me to take her photograph and to blog about my experience!
Resource Sites: courses.lumenlearning.com andwww.maxist.org