Can one ever get enough of Beach Boys or Beatles tribute bands? My answer would be a definite, No. I love hearing all the old tunes, plus it brings back memories of growing up.
So, last night, we attended a free musical concert at the Reston Station (metro) with a Beach Boys tribute band.
The free concerts are somehow related to Reston and the public-private partnership of the metro station.
Beach Boys Tribute Concert
The first thing my companion noted was that the group was wearing the traditional red and white striped shirts just like the original Beach Boys.
We brought our lawn chairs and a cold soda, and sat near the back. The sun was going down slowly, so I also wore my sun hat and sunglasses. The day was hot and humid, and not done yet.
The featured band played all Beach Boys music. Some bands will slip in a song or two written by a band member, but I guess this was only a tribute band. Beach Boys songs are about girls, school, surfing, and, of course, fast cars. Most people know the words to the songs they played, so it was a fun evening.

Ending Notes
We heard one woman complaining to the security person that she was not able to find a free parking spot. OK, we paid the $5 to park in the garage for this one and the last concert.
We, initially, tried to find one of those advertised free parking spots but we came too late and they were all taken.
To sum things up, the Beach Boys Tribute band was great and we enjoyed the sunny, California music.
I, also, got this free orange fan to cool things up a bit. So, Thanks everyone!
Surf’s Up in Reston.