I started to think about this small dish on my kitchen window sill. I use it to keep odds and ends in.
I picked it up in a second hand store. It is very small and made possibly from acacia wood. It has a black and white acacia tree hand painted on it with a faded red background. A black and white pattern trims the edges the bowl.
To my eye, it has an African look to it. It is only about 3-inches in diameter and has names and the date of 06-14-14 painted on the front.

This bowl, got me to thinking about the wood from the acacia tree. Acacia wood has become more popular in recent years and I’ve seen a lot more products made from it.
I did a little research on it and found that the acacia tree produces wood which is very durable and is water-resistant.
Acacia wood is very dense, hard and also scratch resistant. It is perfect for heavy-use furniture such as tables and dinning room benches. It is known to last for decades with proper maintenance.
In the below left photograph, you will see a footed display pedestal with a lovely grain pattern in the acacia wood. In the photograph to the right, you will notice the small acacia tree bowl in the center of the display pedestal.
Some of the items I found made of acacia wood are footed fruit bowls, salad servers, salad bowls, cutting boards, trays, charger plates, trivets, pasta drying racks, paper towel holders, knife holders, cake pedestals, pizza peels, bread boxes, coffee tables, end tables, vases, etc.

Interestingly enough, the wood from the acacia tree is resistant to fungus. It, also, has a naturally antibacterial quality to it so it is perfect for using it to make safe food serving items.
In the 18th century, the British Royal Navy valued the wood for its durability and water-resistant property and made ship hulls out of it.

My bowl with an acacia tree is too small for many uses so I use it to holds coins and other small items.
I think I’ll probably will be seeing more items made from the useful acacia tree since it is fast growing, produces very hard wood, and the wood grain is lovely.
Thinking of the acacia tree in its natural African setting, it helps to prevent desertification in dry areas and giraffes like to munch on its leaves.
The acacia tree is truly a tree of many uses.

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