It’s a hot Saturday afternoon with not much going on. What better time to take a trip to the cool and quiet of the local Reston Library?
It is where the librarian never really shushes anyone for talking out loud. The computers are all in use with individuals checking for information or doing job searches.
I remember going to the children’s programs where the children would do a related craft, sing a song, or even see a live yellow boa constrictor snake.
The events were free and if you signed up early you would get a spot.
Rows and rows of books. I have not read most of them. I generally head toward the cookbook section to see if they have anything new.
The amount of information at the library is almost never-ending, stacked end to end, book to book.
As I leave the via the front door, I notice that someone left several cigarette butts and a disposable razor near the back of the heart covered open book sculpture.
This library is located right next to a homeless shelter.
However, the Book of Love welcomes all who enter the Reston Library.