This year I decided to plant perennials in crocks hoping that they would withstand the winter. I usually buy red geraniums or something with a nice flower to it. Unfortunately, geraniums will not endure the winters in my area. I am tired of having to buy new plants every summer for my patio crocks.
This year, in my largest crock, I planted a perennial called a heuchera hybrid. The heuchera has bronze-veined and dappled white foliage. The plant produces delicate slender stalks of tiny white flowers which are quite lovely to look at. It is a mounding plant so it should fill the crock up nicely by the end of summer.
Last year in my smaller crock, I planted some thyme which survived the winter. It’s nice to dash out the back door to get a little fresh thyme when I’m cooking.
I still have one more crock to fill which I am thinking about. Another heuchera or herb, or something else?