The ReStore shop is fairly new in town and is run by Habitat for Humanity. I enjoy stopping in when I am in the area. I took some photographs of interesting items they have for sale.
I loved the golden painted flowers on the vintage Singer Sewing Machine. It looks more like a work of art than a common sewing machine.
The other antique sewing machine is a chain stitch treadle made by Willcox and Gibbs, S. M. Co. I wonder why it is circular shaped? Apparently it is a sought after item by sewing machine collectors.
I bet most kids don’t know what a typewriter looks like or that you had to change the ribbon. The one pictured below left, has an automatic return. This is quite an improvement from the old typewriters you had to flick back with your wrist.
The ReStore shop had an overabundance of old chairs, some matching but most not.
The below photograph on the right is a mystery vintage item. It looks like if you pushed down on it, then it would blow air into something perhaps an automatic door opener? Not sure what it could be used for.