Today I’m blogging about my junk store purchases. They had a rare 50% off sale on everything in the store. The shelves were pretty picked over as this was the last day of the sale.
I was able to find a few inexpensive items that I think would work around my house.
The wrought iron decoration was priced at $8, so with the half off sale it was only $4.

This heavy piece of wrought iron will be perfect to hang on my fence as “fence art”.
It is very heavy and measuring 2 feet by 1.5 feet. I initially wanted to place it on my gate but if it fell off the gate on my foot, it might break my foot, so the fence art placement would be a better choice.

These new blue sunglasses are very nice for only 50 cents.
Since they are so inexpensive, they might be nice to wear around the house while doing the gardening.
My good prescription glasses always slip off my nose and if I’m not careful, they’ll hit the ground.

This is another 50 cents find.
I never, ever have enough plastic hangers in the laundry room.
It was a quick shopping trip, but oh what bargains to be had.
I’ll be sure to post an update on my wrought iron fence art.
In my home I never have enough plastic hangers. In your home, what do you never have enough of? Please leave me a comment below.
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