As a blogger using WordPress, the newest version is Block Editor. Even at “Low Tech” Farmhouse Magic Blog, we are getting into the act and trying to learn the Block Editor.
Azaleas in Bloom Small Purple Flowers with Fancy Leaves Bright Red Berries in Reston Close Up View of Roses in Bloom Red Cockscomb Flower Showy Purple Flowers
The text and photographs in block editor look a little bit different from what I’m used to, but I’m learning how to shift things around to get the looks I want.
The thing with technology is that time never stands still. There is always that one more new and improved idea to hit the market and to make thing easier for all of us.
So what’s with all the flowers on today’s technology blog? I thought I would add a bit of color to the photographic gallery and perhaps make your day a little brighter.
Comment from FMB’s Technical Director:
“There are always two issues with new technology, One, Technical Problems and Two, People Problems. The problem with handling people is always harder”.

If you have any comments on today’s blog, please drop us a line.
Thank you for reading FMB. Have a great day.
U., I., & I.,
Thank you for reading our blog on Kosta Boda. Have a wonderful day and take care.